To kick things off .......

Jeez I've finally done it. After muttering vague threats about blogging for several years, today I took the plunge and signed up for a google account and created a blog.

To my surprise and after reading the warnings about how difficult finding a blog-name would be, I got Circuitous Meandering right away, first try no less. Does this mean that my blog name reflects my unique personality or simply that no one else would care to admit to meandering in circles?

It also looks as if the helpful googleites want to make this as easy as possible for the non-nerdish amongst us (me). Three little steps and my shiny new blog is launched out into the blogosphere (hope you are impressed with the jargon).

So, why have I done this? What makes me think that you, dear reader, would be remotely interested in whatever maundering meanderings I spout hereafter? Nothing really, just that I find myself without immediate audience for comments, feedback and general human contact, often at the point at which I decide to venture into the kitchen to create something edible (well, usually edible) and now, I can share, if only electronically, whatever strange thing I have made for dinner.

Just to tantalise; I have a surfeit of pears to find a way of using other than by making pear tart which is my customary response to pears. I'm tempted by the thought of roasting them with some almonds which need rescued from refrigerated abandonment. Amaretto will come into this somewhere too. There is also some lonely spinach and many carrots which deserve a wholesome denouement.

I will report back after the foodly attempts with the results.

Other than my admittedly veggie foodiness, I intend to circuitously meander through the thoughts and experiences of being a feminist of a certain age.

I welcome comments and will soon find out how to reach out to fellow-foodie feminists.