What I think...

If this is global warming I really don't want it.  I'm fed up and ready to moan my wee heid aff with all the disruption that the snow has caused for the past many days. I'm equally fed up whether trudging out in it or stuck in the house looking out at it.

My (and everyone else's life) has been cancelled, or that's how it feels.  All this time on my hands means I'm spending a lot of it reading trivia online. Or looking out at the deserted street where no one is moving apart from the wildlife. But I've passed the point of interest in tracks left in the snow by the local fox population, or the antics of the penguins on Edinburgh Zoo's Penguin Cam.

Yesterday, there were some interesting cloud formations to photograph while hanging out the window. The sun came out at times and lit up the clouds with brilliant colours. Today has been uniformly grey as the cloud has closed in and the flakes of snow are getting larger.

Some news does get through.  A friend went into labour yesterday and had to go to hospital by ambulance as her street was impassible by car. What a bloody nightmare, except that my friend is resourceful and practical and just got on with getting herself safe and giving birth to a delightful baby boy.

I've spent several days anxious about how my daughter is getting to her work in all this. She lives at the bottom of a very steep hill and works many miles away in an establishment built in an exposed part of West Lothian that gets snow before and after anywhere else. This week she has been night shift which means at the end of a long shift she has to get home after a night of heavy snow while tired out. The boyfriend has had to resort to borrowing his dad's 4x4 to get her to and fro a couple of times. Even then, it's been touch and go on the roads.

Much praise is being heaped on the efforts by essential staff to get to work in all this, and it's nice that government and community are appreciative of staff who manage somehow to get to work.  Here in Edinburgh, I'm thankful that I've been able to get buses to wherever I've been going so far this week.

Infuriatingly, snow hasn't prevented three lads going to wherever it is to promote their World Cup losing team's bid to host the damn thing later this century. Their frolics in the field of pointless tribal games serve only to  alienate non sports fans even further. Collectively, the one who looks good in knickers on bill boards, the one who hates poor people and lies about respecting the Scots and the dim aristo who failed to keep his hair, will no doubt be given uncalled for publicity regardless of the outcome of the vote.

Much more of this and I'm going to be driven to seek out house bound pensioners and forcibly buy them milk and bread. Assuming there is still food in the shops.