2010 off to a snowy start

What’s happening with this weather? Is there no end to the cold and snow?

Lots more eating and drinking this year so far: Sig Other just keeps making lovely eats. Yesterday we celebrated Ne’er Day with scrumptious broccoli quiche served with creamy chicory, celery and peas mixed with Quorn fake bacon bits. These are a new discovery for me, although they aren’t too much like actual bacon, otherwise I’d be less likely to eat them. Also, Quorn has changed the recipe in some of their products to make them gluten free which is useful for the GF/veggie meals.

I’ve decided to avoid making resolutions this year. I never keep them and previously assumed that making life improving efforts like taking more exercise/reading less trashy science fiction/being more saintly in general –type resolutions were part of the routine surrounding New Year. But apparently, the practice of resolving to change at the beginning of a year dates back to Babylonian times. And no doubt the ancients were just as good at keeping them as most of us are.

Seizing a gap in the freezing conditions when the sun even came out yesterday, seemed the best time to go for a walk in the gardens at Dunham Massey. The pic above is of the birch triangle in the middle of the winter garden created a couple of years ago in the grounds near the house.

Zillions of bulbs are due to emerge in the early spring, making this an attraction to revisit in a month or two.

I finished my stay in the south with a meal in my favourite place in Manchester, the curry mile in Rusholme. Fingers crossed for a smooth return to Edinburgh normality soon.

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