I’m not normally someone who complains about change, but I liked Eccleston so much as the first of the revamped Dr’s Who that it took me till the end of the first Tennant series to accept him in the role. Then I really enjoyed Tate as the companion only to have her forget all her wondrous adventures at the end of the last series. There is not much hope of her coming back from that in the way there could be a convenient resurrection had she only died, rather than have her memories and experiences obliterated. This means I am not looking forward to getting used to yet another Dr, especially as there will be a new producer and new companion as well.
Parts of the blogosphere are in full speculative mode about the next doctor. Lots of names being bandied about, but what is all too clear is that we won’t be getting a woman doctor any time soon. At least not if the producers listen to the multitude of sexist comments in response to anyone suggesting women for the role.
Best suggestion I’ve seen so far is Joanna Lumley. I’d be in favour of her, with a suitable pretty boy as sidekick. In fact any woman of mature years to bring wisdom, grace and elegance instead of frantic running around hoping to avoid nasty aliens.
There is a depressing and predictable parallel to the rejection by loud (mostly non-female) bloggers/commenter's in all of this and I fear we are as likely to get a woman Dr Who as we are to get a woman as president of the US of A voted in on her own ticket. Not until the prevailing levels of sexism dwindle, but I can't see that happening any time soon, not given the permanent backlash against women's liberation.