Spiritual spam

Some mornings I spring lightly from slumber ready to face the day with all senses functioning; others, I just stumble out of bed and never quite get it together. It was the latter which caused me to fall for some spam and almost open it.

Eyes not really focussed and brain most certainly disengaged, I squinted at my emails and tried to think who was sending me something about Panis. Yeah, anyone with any sense would have realised instantly, but on that occasion, not me.

Panis, I thought, why does that sound familiar; what bell is it ringing? A faint warning must have operated at some subconscious level as I looked it up before opening the email.

Panis, completely fascinatingly, are demons in the Rigveda, which is a part of the sacred collection of Vedas, and an element of Hindu prayers.

However, since I didn’t previously know that fact, it can’t have been that bell which rang. More likely it was the slight similarity with Panos, an educational charity whose email newsletter I receive monthly.

Both these interpretations are infinitely more interesting than the spam that lands in everyone’s in trays with tedious regularity.


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