More traditionally, Happy New Year.
The Street Party was enjoyable last night. It is ten years since I last went and what an improvement! At that time, the event was free-ticketed and most things happened on George St then there was an almighty scrum to get to see the fireworks. I clearly recall nearly being disemboweled by a bollard on South Castle St, but I had the best view of the fireworks! Now, things are well organised and last night there were facilities like bars and loos and lots of stewards all helping the 100,000 revellers to have a great New Year in Edinburgh.
We began at the Waverley Stage where we got quite close to see a band who were good (dunno who they were), then we moved off towards the Scott Monument Stage, but that was mobbed, so we went up the Mound and into the fun fair and gasped at the bravery of those who went on the bungee ride.
BBC Scotland has video of the fireworks at this link:
Time then to move back onto Princes St and squirm our way through the human traffic at the foot of the Mound where it was rather a tight squeeze for fifty yards until we got past those who were crossing up and down and those who were turning right and so on. Perhaps some traffic lights for pedestrians are needed! Anyway, not recommended for those who have not honed their elbowing skills in church jumble sales as a youngster. This is one of the few times being short helps as no one notices who has elbowed them in the ribs to make them move out of the way.
There was a spectacular laser show up and down Princes Street. The pic below cannot do it justice, but may give some impression of light and movement.
My one muttering though was the fear and trepidation at seeing some dads carrying small babies through the crowds. What part of 100,000 drunken Hogmanayers is it too difficult to comprehend for some overinvolved earth daddies?? But then, I’d have taking kids to football matches an offence serious enough to have them put on the child register. Luckily, L&B Police reported only three arrests and gave great credit to the Edinburgh crowd for their behaviour, so probably no children were affected by the stupidity of their carers.
Oh well, so much for not ranting. But this leopard isn’t going to change her spots anytime soon.
On a positive note, my camera has decide to work again, I hope it lasts.
Now, I’m looking forward to a relaxing day calling people and sitting around contemplating another year.
well ! you braved the princes st celebrations... I went in the first year when it was unticketed and insisted on staying on the fringe as it looked horribly packed
we trotted to inverleith and back - very sedate
Yes, it was packed, but I went with the attitude that I would go only as far as was sensible and avoid any parts which were too crowded. But I really think they sold far too many tickets for the space they were allowing everyone into, and in the last 45 minutes before the bells there were several public safety announcements reminding people to use all of the space. But of course, everyone wants the best view of the fireworks, so there could have been the possibility of much pushing and shoving.
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